1(d) An increase in benefit adjustment contribution rates under s. 40.05 (2n) (a)
SB353,35,43 (e) The rights of employees to have retirement benefits computed under s.
SB353,35,65 (f) Honesty testing requirements that provide fewer rights and remedies to
6employees than are provided under s. 111.37.
SB353,35,77 (h) Creditable service to which s. 40.285 (2) (b) 4. applies.
SB353,35,98 (i) Compliance with the health benefit plan requirements under ss. 632.746 (1)
9to (8) and (10), 632.747, and 632.748.
SB353,35,1010 (j) Compliance with the insurance requirements under s. 631.95.
SB353,35,1111 (k) The definition of earnings under s. 40.02 (22).
SB353,35,1212 (L) The maximum benefit limitations under s. 40.31
SB353,35,1313 (m) The limitations on contributions under s. 40.32.
SB353,35,1514 (n) The provision to employees of the health insurance coverage required under
15s. 632.895 (11) to (14).
SB353,35,1716 (o) The requirements related to coverage of and prior authorization for
17treatment of an emergency medical condition under s. 632.85.
SB353,35,1818 (p) The requirements related to coverage of drugs and devices under s. 632.853.
SB353,35,1919 (q) The requirements related to experimental treatment under s. 632.855.
SB353,35,2120 (r) The requirements under s. 609.10 related to offering a point-of-service
21option plan.
SB353,35,2422 (s) The requirements related to internal grievance procedures under s. 632.83
23and independent review of certain health benefit plan determinations under s.
1(3) Upon request, the chancellor at each institution, or his or her designee,
2shall meet and confer with the collective bargaining representative, if any, with
3regard to any issue that is a permissive subject of bargaining, except when the issue
4is under active consideration by a governance organization under s. 36.09 (4) or (4m).
SB353,36,10 5111.999 Labor proposals. The board shall notify and consult with the joint
6committee on employment relations, in such form and detail as the committee
7requests, regarding substantial changes in wages, employee benefits, personnel
8management, and program policy contract provisions to be included in any contract
9proposal to be offered to any labor organization by the state or to be agreed to by the
10state before such proposal is actually offered or accepted.
SB353,37,7 11111.9991 Agreements. (1) Any tentative agreement reached between the
12board, acting for the state, and any labor organization representing a collective
13bargaining unit specified in s. 111.98 shall, after official ratification by the labor
14organization, be submitted by the board to the joint committee on employment
15relations, which shall hold a public hearing before determining its approval or
16disapproval. If the committee approves the tentative agreement, it shall introduce
17in a bill or companion bills, to be put on the calendar or referred to the appropriate
18scheduling committee of each house, that portion of the tentative agreement which
19requires legislative action for implementation, such as salary and wage adjustments,
20changes in fringe benefits, and any proposed amendments, deletions, or additions to
21existing law. Such bill or companion bills are not subject to ss. 13.093 (1), 13.50 (6)
22(a) and (b), and 16.47 (2). The committee may, however, submit suitable portions of
23the tentative agreement to appropriate legislative committees for advisory
24recommendations on the proposed terms. The committee shall accompany the
25introduction of such proposed legislation with a message that informs the legislature

1of the committee's concurrence with the matters under consideration and that
2recommends the passage of such legislation without change. If the joint committee
3on employment relations does not approve the tentative agreement, it shall be
4returned to the parties for renegotiation. If the legislature does not adopt without
5change that portion of the tentative agreement introduced by the joint committee on
6employment relations, the tentative agreement shall be returned to the parties for
SB353,37,8 8(2) No portion of any tentative agreement shall become effective separately.
SB353,37,9 9(3) Agreements shall coincide with the fiscal year or biennium.
SB353,37,11 10(4) The negotiation of collective bargaining agreements and their approval by
11the parties should coincide with the overall fiscal planning and processes of the state.
SB353,37,13 12(5) All compensation adjustments for employees shall be effective on the
13beginning date of the pay period nearest the statutory or administrative date.
SB353,37,18 14111.9992 Status of existing benefits and rights. Unless a prohibited
15subject of bargaining under s. 111.998 (2), and except as provided in ss. 7.33 (4),
1640.05, 40.80 (3), 111.998 (1) (d), and 230.35 (2d) and (3) (e) 6., all statutes and rules
17governing the salaries, fringe benefits, hours, and conditions of employment apply
18to each employee, unless otherwise provided in a collective bargaining agreement.
SB353,37,25 19111.9993 Rules, transcripts, fees. (1) The commission may adopt
20reasonable and proper rules relative to the exercise of its powers and authority and
21proper rules to govern its proceedings and to regulate the conduct of all elections and
22hearings under this subchapter. The commission shall, upon request, provide a
23transcript of a proceeding to any party to the proceeding for a fee, established by rule,
24by the commission at a uniform rate per page. All transcript fees shall be credited
25to the appropriation account under s. 20.425 (1) (i).
1(2) The commission shall assess and collect a filing fee for filing a complaint
2alleging that an unfair labor practice has been committed under s. 111.991. The
3commission shall assess and collect a filing fee for filing a request that the
4commission act as an arbitrator to resolve a dispute involving the interpretation or
5application of a collective bargaining agreement under s. 111.993. The commission
6shall assess and collect a filing fee for filing a request that the commission initiate
7fact-finding under s. 111.995. The commission shall assess and collect a filing fee
8for filing a request that the commission act as a mediator under s. 111.994. For the
9performance of commission actions under ss. 111.993, 111.994, and 111.995, the
10commission shall require that the parties to the dispute equally share in the payment
11of the fee and, for the performance of commission actions involving a complaint
12alleging that an unfair labor practice has been committed under s. 111.991, the
13commission shall require that the party filing the complaint pay the entire fee. If any
14party has paid a filing fee requesting the commission to act as a mediator for a labor
15dispute and the parties do not enter into a voluntary settlement of the labor dispute,
16the commission may not subsequently assess or collect a filing fee to initiate
17fact-finding to resolve the same labor dispute. If any request concerns issues arising
18as a result of more than one unrelated event or occurrence, each such separate event
19or occurrence shall be treated as a separate request. The commission shall
20promulgate rules establishing a schedule of filing fees to be paid under this
21subsection. Fees required to be paid under this subsection shall be paid at the time
22of filing the complaint or the request for fact-finding, mediation, or arbitration. A
23complaint or request for fact-finding, mediation, or arbitration is not filed until the
24date such fee or fees are paid. Fees collected under this subsection shall be credited
25to the appropriation account under s. 20.425 (1) (i).
SB353, s. 35
1Section 35. 230.01 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB353,39,32 230.01 (3) Nothing in this chapter shall be construed to either infringe upon
3or supersede the rights guaranteed state employees under subch. V or VI of ch. 111.
SB353, s. 36 4Section 36. 230.046 (10) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB353,39,65 230.046 (10) (a) Conduct off-the-job employee development and training
6programs relating to functions under this chapter or subch. V or VI of ch. 111.
SB353, s. 37 7Section 37. 230.12 (3) (e) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB353,40,68 230.12 (3) (e) 1. The director, after receiving recommendations from the board
9of regents, shall submit to the joint committee on employment relations a proposal
10for adjusting compensation and employee benefits for employees under ss. 20.923
11(4g), (5) and (6) (m) and 230.08 (2) (d) who are not included in a collective bargaining
12unit under subch. V or VI of ch. 111 for which a representative is certified. The
13proposal shall include the salary ranges and adjustments to the salary ranges for the
14university senior executive salary groups 1 and 2 established under s. 20.923 (4g).
15The proposal shall be based upon the competitive ability of the board of regents to
16recruit and retain qualified faculty and academic staff, data collected as to rates of
17pay for comparable work in other public services, universities and commercial and
18industrial establishments, recommendations of the board of regents and any special
19studies carried on as to the need for any changes in compensation and employee
20benefits to cover each year of the biennium. The proposal shall also take proper
21account of prevailing pay rates, costs and standards of living and the state's
22employment policies. The proposal for such pay adjustments may contain
23recommendations for across-the-board pay adjustments, merit or other
24adjustments and employee benefit improvements. Paragraph (b) and sub. (1) (bf)
25shall apply to the process for approval of all pay adjustments for such employees

1under ss. 20.923 (4g), (5) and (6) (m) and 230.08 (2) (d). The proposal as approved
2by the joint committee on employment relations and the governor shall be based
3upon a percentage of the budgeted salary base for such employees under ss. 20.923
4(4g), (5) and (6) (m) and 230.08 (2) (d). The amount included in the proposal for merit
5and adjustments other than across-the-board pay adjustments is available for
6discretionary use by the board of regents.
SB353, s. 38 7Section 38. 230.35 (2d) (e) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB353,40,118 230.35 (2d) (e) For employees who are included in a collective bargaining unit
9for which a representative is recognized or certified under subch. V or VI of ch. 111,
10this subsection shall apply unless otherwise provided in a collective bargaining
SB353, s. 39 12Section 39. 230.35 (3) (e) 6. of the statutes is amended to read:
SB353,40,1613 230.35 (3) (e) 6. For employees who are included in a collective bargaining unit
14for which a representative is recognized or certified under subch. V or VI of ch. 111,
15this paragraph shall apply unless otherwise provided in a collective bargaining
SB353, s. 40 17Section 40. 230.88 (2) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
SB353,41,218 230.88 (2) (b) No collective bargaining agreement supersedes the rights of an
19employee under this subchapter. However, nothing in this subchapter affects any
20right of an employee to pursue a grievance procedure under a collective bargaining
21agreement under subch. V or VI of ch. 111, and if the division of equal rights
22determines that a grievance arising under such a collective bargaining agreement
23involves the same parties and matters as a complaint under s. 230.85, it shall order
24the arbitrator's final award on the merits conclusive as to the rights of the parties

1to the complaint, on those matters determined in the arbitration which were at issue
2and upon which the determination necessarily depended.
SB353,41,33 (End)